Holiday Update from The Mitchell and Friends Foundation
Dear Friend...
Anyone who has lost a loved one knows that holidays are the worst. There's always an empty space at the table or a stocking left on the wall--or a holiday photo from years past--to trigger your grief.
At least two Mitchell Syndrome families will be struggling through the holidays this year, dealing with their loss. We grieve for Sarah's family in Kentucky and Henry's in the UK. We hope they can find comfort and hope as they reconnect with loved ones.
Meanwhile, our fight for Mitchell Syndrome kids continues. As 2022 comes to an end, we are grateful for a productive first full year. We've identified a total of 16 cases and raised $43,457.33 for the new Mitchell Syndrome fund at Washington University. Vice-President Michele advocated for Mitchell Syndrome at the Undiagnosed Diseases Network Foundation conference at Harvard Medical School this summer, and also at the Global Foundation for Peroxisomal Disorders convention. We assembled a Scientific Board, which includes the world's experts on Mitchell Syndrome, and are on the lookout for research partners to help identify treatments. And the first ever Mitchell Foundation Trivia Night in September was a huge success. (Mark the date for next year: September 9, 2023.)
With Year One wrapping up, we are looking forward to Year Two, and following wherever this journey leads.
Thank you so much for your support and partnership. We wish you the best this holiday season. Knowing that not everybody's families are together, please make the most of your time with loved ones. Take nothing for granted.
And during this season of generosity, please remember The Mitchell and Friends Foundation in your end-of-year giving. Visit to help us defeat the rarest of rare diseases.
Because no family should have to celebrate Christmas without their child.
Your friends,
Matt and Michele Herndon
w/ The Mitchell and Friends Foundation